Category: Tech Hub

What are the 31 Tech Hubs in the CHIPS & Science Act

What are the 31 tech hubs

The CHIPS & Science Act is a federal statute enacted by the US Congress and signed into law by President Joseph R. Biden on August 9, 2022. The Act designates roughly $106 billion in various types of funding, both direct sponsorship and tax breaks in the hopes of encouraging American companies to build new silicon… Read more »

3 Reasons Why Buffalo NY is America’s Fastest Growing Tech Hub

Buffalo, NY, aerial view

Business leaders, captains of industry and tech startups on the hunt for growth might consider placing their company’s headquarters in Buffalo, New York. The historic port is one of the best cities in North America to build a corporate presence. It’s an up and coming technology hotspot, or tech hub, which means there’s a thriving… Read more »

Four Reasons Why Toronto is North America’s Fastest Growing Tech Hub

TO at night with paddleboaders

InvestOntario got our attention in November 2022 when they published an article entitled, Toronto ranked as North America’s fastest growing tech market. The piece is a real eye-opener because it shares real estate data collected by CBRE alongside insightful analysis from Ontario’s foremost commercial leasing agency. The writers at InvestOntario harnessed their information and compared… Read more »

Number Neighbors and Social Media Strategy

The world is getting sillier every day and the latest fad is called Number Neighbors, a game where kids (mostly) text phone numbers that are identical to their own but with the last digit changed by one. That’s a number neighbour. Number Neighbors Began as Text Door Neighbors The concept of number neighbors is not… Read more »